
  • WASD: Move Cube
  • IJKL: Rotate Cube
  • LShift: Boost
  • Space: Brake/Freeze Movement
  • Esc: Reload with random difficulty
  • Q/E: Toggle Score/Time respectively

Step into the CubeBoiiid Arena, against Fellow Cubes that scale by speed, size and sheer numbers for each difficulty level, in the classic CubeBoii fashion: Eat or be Eaten; But careful you don’t try to stuff yourself! Fly, float or Whoosh through an endless field with different Cube spawns at every refresh point, and feast on all the Cubes you possibly can, with a score and a highscore to track how many you do, but take care that you do not become a meal yourself! The Boiis Are Back in Town? Big Mistake. Eat Them All !!!

Made withUnity


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Welp, the game looks kinda nice, but controls are confuzing. Try to make rotating on mouse, and make cube more transparent.

Wow, can't believe making the cube transparent whooshed right past me! Solid catch, that.

Also yeah, got another build with Mouse Rotate. Maybe I'll give 'er a spin here.

Thank you so much for playin' my game and feedbackin' it! :D

No problem! :)